RBA Board & Policies
100 Level Policies School District (1)
200 Level Policies School Board Governance (11)
300 Level Policies Fiscal Mngt. and Business
- #301 Segregatrion of Duties
- #302 Vendor Contracts
- #303 Bid for services
- Policy 304 Electronic Fund Transfers
- #305 Expenses and Reimbursement
- #306 Fundraising
- #307 Student Fees
- #308 Annual Audit
- #309 Payment of Bills
- #310 Sale or Purchase of State Property
- #311 Designation of Depositories (pdf)
- #313 Investments
- #314 Safekeeping of Investments, Contracts, Agreements
- #315 Procurement
- Policy 316; Capitalization
400 Level Policies Human Resources
- #400 Equal Educational and Employment Opportunities
- #401 At-Will Employment
- #402 Criminal Background Checks
- #403 Public and Private Personnel Data
- #404 Employee Benefits
- #405 Salary and Wage Compensation System
- #406 Family Medical Leave Act
- #407 Parental Leave
- #408 Unfair Discrimination Practices and Grievances
- #409 Code of Conduct for Employees
- #410 Employee Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- #411 Outside Employment
- #412 Gifts to Employees and Board Members
- #413 Use of Reasonable Force and Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
- #414 Health and Safety
- #415 Blood Borne Pathogens
- #416 Communicable Diseases and Infections
- 416 Staff Drug and Alcohol Testing
- #417 Drug Free Workplace
- #418 Firearms
- #419 Weapons on School Grounds
- #420 Maltreatment of Minors and Mandated Reporting
- #421 Use of Internet, email, Computers and Voicemail
- #422 Employee Use of Social Media
- #423 Employee Rights Regarding Termination
- #424 Whistleblower
- #425 Teacher Evaluations
- #426 Health Insurance Bidding
- #427 Staff Development
500 Level Policies for Students
- #500 Lottery and AdmissionsÂ
- #502 Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person
- #503 Student Attendance
- #505 Prohibition Against Unfair Discrim in Education
- #508 Behavior Expectations
- #509 Dress Code
- #511 Communicable Diseases and Infections
- #512 Allergies
- #513 Student Medicine in School
- #514 Bullying Prevention and Response
- #515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
- #516 Use of Restraints
- #517 Removal of Students with IEPs
- #518 School Lockers
- #519 Students’ Free Speech Rights
- #520 Cyberbullying
- #521 Internet and Network Use
- #522 Use of Social Media in School
- #523 Extra-curricular Participation
- #525 DNR/DNI
- #524 Gender Inclusion
- #526 Hazing Prohibition
- #527 Student Parking
- #529 Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students
- #530 Section 504
- #533 Wellness
- #534 Lead
600 Level Policies Educational Programs & Instruction
800 Policies Operations and Facilities