974 Skyline Drive SW

Rochester, MN 55902


507.258.5352 (fax)




                                                                                                    Testing Information 

MCA Schedule for RBA:
We will begin testing at 8:00 on the following days. Testing will take approximately 2.5-4.0 hours each day we test. We will give breaks.

MCAs & MTAS – 2024-2025 Administration

  • Reading is April 21st (6-8, 10)
  • Math is April 22nd (6-8, 11)
  • Science is April 24th (8 & 12)
  • Make-ups are April 25th (all grades)

These assessments are administered for the following reason: to measure achievement on the Minnesota Academic Standards and to measure academic progress of students over time.

ACT Test:
Test will take place on March 15, 2025, at 8:00 am at RBA for Juniors and Seniors wishing to test. Testing will last until noon.
The test’s purpose is: To provide Minnesota graduates with information related to career and college readiness. 

NWEA Test:
All students will take the Reading and Math NWEA in October 2024, January, and May 2025. This test will assess students’ growth from their prior year to current year. In addition, it will yield instructional data that will be used to help plan lessons in the classroom.

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